Everyone has an origin story… I just happen to have several.

If you made it to this blog, hopefully you are familiar with my work. For several years, I have been paying my bills doing sex work. I was a cam girl, a pornographer, and an escort.

This industry is not for the faint of heart. People often wonder how a girl like me got into this… And the answer to that is simple: When you are good at something, don’t do it for free.

In my roaring 20s, I got very good at sex. I became disturbingly experienced. And what could I possibly do with the abundance of skill other than share it with the world… for a fee, of course... I spent so much of my youth perfecting my talents. I can feel the contractions in the testis warning me of upcoming ejaculation. I swallowed so much jizz, I can taste the difference between a man who is fully fertile and one who had the snip. I collected experiences as if I were a Pokemon Master attempting to fuck ‘em all.

Admittedly, the majority of my experiences were lived through a haze of Vodka and Diet Coke. This blog will be a look into my past. From my virginal college days to escorting in Los Angeles through the global pandemic. I have grown as a sexual human and hope to pass on some of my skills and knowledge to the world. And possibly provide some humor along the way.

Misadventures of a Twenty Year-Old Train Wreak.


I Think I F@cked a Dwarf…